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Cartoon of a person in a hat with a camera and clipboard looking at a bee and a bee hotel

#136 What's it like to research Bees and Bee Hotels?

This is a great chat with Holly who is doing her PhD on the potential benefits and risks of using bee hotels! We talk about everything from understanding what bees need in a home to parasitic beetles!


#135 What's it like to research Plant and Insect Interactions? Part 2

#133 What's it like to research Diabetes?

#132 What's it like to be the COO of RadInnovate?

#131 What's it like to be inspired by Antarctica?

#130 What's it like to be a Principal Geologist?

#129 Avid Research in 2024

#128 What is it like to be the COO of FLEET?

#127 What is it like to work in textiles and sustainability?

#126 What is special about the Australian Dry Lands?

#125 What is life like to support someone with Type 1 Diabetes?

#124 What is life like with Type 1 Diabetes? Part 2

#123 What is it like to work as a paleontologist?

#122 What is it like to research plant genetics?

#121 What is it like to help develop insect protein based pet food?

#120 What is it like to research Evolutionary biology?

#119 What is it like to be diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes as an Adult?

#118 What is special about the Spider Crabs in Port Phillip Bay?

#117 What's it like to research plant-insect interactions?

#116 What's it like to research Mitochondria?

#115 What's it like to enable philanthropy?

#114 What's it like to be a Calm Pet Vet?

#113 What's it like to research Octopus?

#112 What's it like to research breastfeeding?

#111 What's it like to be a facade consultant? 2

#110 What's it like working for Double Helix Magazine?

#109 What's it like to research penguins?

#108 What's it like to do Forensic Chemistry?

#107 What's it like to research the world using the Synchrotron?

#106 What's it like to research Heart Health and Lipids?

#105 What's it like to write software for telescopes?

#104 What's it like to be a Cyber Security Analyst?

#103 What's it like to be a Chief Technology Officer?

#102 Creating Heart Disease Prevention Shirty Science edition

#101 Reflections on a trip from Darwin to Broome

#100 What's it like to coach high performance cloud teams?

#99 Why is it so hard to do a dual language podcast about STEM?

#98 What is it like to be a Senior Delivery Lead in Software Testing?

#97 Creating "Worming in Memories" - Shirty Science Edition

#96 What is it like to help businesses implement AI and ML?

#95 Creating "Galactic Bloom" - Shirty Science Edition

#94 What is it like to run Shirty Science?

#93 What is it like to optimise insect nutrition?

#92 What is it like to research ecology with drones?

#91 What is it like to run a STEM mentoring initative?

#90 What's it like to use statistics to research coral reef changes?

#89 What's it like to do a PhD in cardiovascular research?

#88 What's it like to be Geologists? Portugese and Italian version

#87 What's it like to research an underwater paradox from a ship?

#86 What's it like to match-make industry and researchers?

#85 What's it like to be an adventurous Park Ranger?

#84 What's it like to be a Sound Technician?

#83 What's it like to be a Geology Lab Manager?

#82 Some thoughts on questions and Avid Research plans!

#81 What's it like to enable inventors?

#80 What's coming up in May?

#79 What's it like to be a Computational Biologist

#78 What's it like to be a full stack web developer?

#77 What's it like to be a Statistician?

#76 What's it like to work towards diversity in tech?

#75 What's it like to be a plant ecologist and conservationist?

#74 What's it like to work in the space industry? Law and Education Edition

#73 What's it like to research decarbonisation with liquid metals?

#72 What's it like to research childhood brain cancer?

#71 What's it like to research adaptive materials Engineering?

#70 What's it like to professionally wrangle worms?

#69 What's it like to be a Space Environmentalist?

#68 What's it like to research informal burials?

#67 What's it like to be a Geologist at the Synchrotron? Family Edition

#66 What's it like to be the Chief Scientist of Australia?

#65 SciCommSeptember Special 3

#64 SciCommSeptember Special 2

#63 What's it like to research coasts?

#62 What's it like to work at the Defence Science and Technology Group?

#61 SciCommSeptember Special 1

#60 What's it like to research Seaweed?

#59 What's it like to work in Reproductive Research?

#58 What's it like to work in Mineral Exploration Research?

#57 What's it like to teach heresy?

#56 What's it like to work in Marine Conservation and Knowledge Visualisation?

#55 What's it like to be a Structural Geologist?

#54 What's it like to be an Academic and Entrepreneur?

#53 What's it like to work in Cellular Agriculture?

#52 Celebrating 1 year of Avid Research!

#51 What's it like to run a Rum Distillery?

#50 What's it like to investigate COVID-19 in waste water?

#49 What's it like to be a Genomics Researcher?

#48 What's it like to be an Anaesthetist?

#47 A reverse Avid Research Interview!

#46 What's it like to research Dementia using Phenomics?

#45 What's it like to run an edible bugs business?

#44 Lets bust some career myths!

#43 What's it like to work in a Nuclear Power Plant?

#42 What's the deal with the Career Maps?

#41 What's it like to be a Breast Cancer Researcher?

#40 What's it like to work in R&D in water recycling?

#39 What's it like to research bird song?

#38 What's it like to work in a Zoology Museum?

#37 What's it like to study hurricanes and coral reefs?

#36 What's it like to write a kids book about the Ocean?

#35 What's it like to develop cultured meat?

#34 What's it like to be an Antarctic Geoscientist?

#33 What's it like to research Human Computer Interactions?

#32 What's it like to be a Marine Evolutionary Biologist?

#31 What's it like to be a Reproductive Researcher?

#30 What's it like to be a Reptile Biologist?

#29 What's it like to be a Neuropsychologist?

#28 What's it like to be a Human Physiologist?

#27 What's it like to be an Animal Nutritionist?

#26 What's it like to be a Shark Researcher?

#25 What's it like to be a Heart Health Researcher?

#24 What's it like to be a Facade Consultant?

#23 Reflections on Podcasting in 2020

#22 What's it like to be a Civil Engineer?

#21 What's it like to research Stingrays?

#20 What's it like to work in Medical Technology and Recruitment?

#19 What's it like to be an Academic in Soil Science?

#18 What's it like to be a Business Analyst?

#17 What's it like to be a Livewire Facilitator?

#16 What's it like to be a Nanotech Researcher?

#15 What's it like to be Diabetes Researcher?

#14 What's it like to be a Vet?

#13 What's it like to be a Digital Producer at Starlight?

#12 What's it like to be a STEM inspired Musician?

#11 What's it like to be an Astronomer?

#10 What is Avid Research all about?

#9 What's is like to be a Marine Technician?

#8 What's is like to be a Conservation Project Officer?

#7 What's is like to be a LiDAR Technician on Films?

#6 What's is like to work in Emergency Medicine?

#5 What's it like to teach kids about making computer games?

#4 Why are there happy fat birds in the Arctic Polar Night?

#3 What's it like to be a research diver?

#2 What's the difference between Antarctica and the Arctic?

#1 Why shouldn't you explode a dead whale?